About Us
Great things in business are never done by one person. They;re done by ateam of people – Steve Jobs
The Initiation
We couldn’t help but notice the rampant inadequacy of effectiveness in the collection domain. We took it upon ourselves to address this problem with the help of cutting-edge technology and niche-specific solutions. CLXNS’s pursuit of building the most comprehensive debt collection solution has allowed us to empower Banks, NBFC, and Fintechs with technology and collection expertise like never before.
Our Team
We couldn’t help but notice the rampant inadequacy of effectiveness in the collection domain. We took it upon ourselves to address this problem with the help of cutting-edge technology and niche-specific solutions. CLXNS’s pursuit of building the most comprehensive debt collection solution has allowed us to empower Banks, NBFC, and Fintechs with technology and collection expertise like never before.
Xtraordinary Talent from Financial Services and Technology domain
Senior Management Team with Strong Experience in Retail Lending, Tech Processes and Collections
Our Presence
Leveraging Local Expertise through Network of Locations